All it needs is just ONE, one shift
A year ago, when I was leading a wonderful team as a Content Manager, almost everything was perfect.
I was great at my work.
The team was committed.
We were all being paid well.
However, something was missing out there, for me.
At the core, I was not enjoying leading a team. More so, as the team got bigger and my responsibilities enlarged, I got further away from something I absolutely wholeheartedly passionately enjoyed: Writing.
So much so, that in the initial years of me leading the team when I was given a task of ghostwriting a book a year, I was able to perform inexplicably well in the tasks of managing the team. However, the third year when the task of writing the book went away, the “lesser quantity but more quality” tasks also started making little sense to me.
It affected me in ways such as:
- Overworking.
- Low self-worth (because I wasn’t attending to myself).
- Never having the time to do my chores — going out for a walk, taking off on weekends, or even tiny things like getting vegetables and groceries. (Thank you, Quick Commerce!)
It’s important, though, to note that the management was not responsible for this state of mine. It was just that I had stopped attending to myself that anything and everything seemed like a drag.
So early last year, I decided to step down from the position of leading the team and owning the P&L of the Content Team of an influencer, and took up writing full-time.
To say the least, it has been one of the best decisions of my life.
I have been able to achieve miraculous heights in my career, in self-development, in my joy, attending to my rituals, and how I think of myself — all because I have now started keeping myself the centre of my universe.
When I say this, I don’t in any way mean being selfish or self-centred. However, you should fill yourself until your cup runneth over, says Oprah, which is when you would be able to give to others.
This takes me to an extremely bright person I knew and got a chance to read her private blogs, which she will make public soon.
As you read those blogs, you come across someone who thinks very deeply, has an acute understanding of human nature, and has an extremely open mind.
With only one problem.
When you meet them in person or speak to them, you are almost speaking to someone living in a mental prison. They lack self-worth, do not believe in themselves, and are far from the person the blog shows to be.
No, the blogs were not written by ChatGPT or an alien but by them only, however, knowing them and reading their blogs, I have come to know there is one area of their life that is making them live in prison. Just like I was.
Of course I cannot pinpoint it to them, but you could see so much about someone by not being attached to them!
Why am I telling this to you?
Because people who are extremely happy, flying, bubbling with lightness aren’t cut from a separate cloth.
They are mortals like you and I, trying to make sense of an otherwise abysmal world, and have created a world for themselves where they are thriving daily.
Which brings me to my request to you, my friend. Maybe you’d want to ask yourself:
- Are you super happy and satisfied with every area of your life?
- If some area of your life makes the upward curve of your lips (smile) turn into a downward one (gloom), maybe that is the cause of your misery?
- How can you get out of it, if there was NO ONE judging you?
I know, understand and accept it is a difficult place to uncover within, mostly due to sunk costs and promises that were once made, but maybe this line I read in the spiritual text we are taught in our spiritual classes might help:
The present is a reflection of the future.
If the future is not what you want, maybe, it is time to take a hard look at the present.